This weekend Jeff and I went to the Louisville, Kentucky temple and boy is it small! It has to be about the size of our apartment...okay, so a little bigger, but not much. Still, it is beautiful and I was grateful to go. It was our first time doing a session in six months because we were working in baptistry each week in Provo and then I was pregnant and too sick to go. I am also grateful we were able to go because it prepared me to face Sunday and the calling I would receive in the ward...just imagine the scariest calling in the ward and that is what I got...gospel doctrine teacher!
When I went into the room to receive the call, the bishopric counselor brought my husband, so I was thinking we both would be called to activities committee again. I never expected this. Of all the people to get it, I am so not the one. I have such a hard time in front of people. I hate the thought of getting judged, like people saying, "Oh no, Sister Bird is teaching again this week! I think I am going to take a nap!" To make things worse, I am pregnant and have extremely volatile emotions AND the other two teachers are both getting released at the same time, so they said I would have to do the calling by myself for awhile--teaching every week! Also, did I mention I have never had a teaching calling? Any suggestions?
wow, I think I'd be scared of that calling too! I just got my very first teaching calling (well, other than sunbeams lol)a month ago- I'm teaching the 13 year olds' Sunday School Class and I was so scared to do it! I decided to just take each lesson one at a time, lots of prayer and scripture study to prepare and lots of attention activities in class (helps a lot with youth, but may also be helpful with adults) I also found that its really effective when I share stories and personal experience.
I think you're going to do a great job Melea!
I think you'll be great. Just don't be scared when you ask a question and no one answers. Wait them out, people hate awkward silences and so someone will finally raise their hand to break it. Once someone does, other people will want to respond. You're a natural. Don't sweat it, just bring the always cheerful and giddy charm that you bring to everything else in your life.
You'll do great, just don't show any "Living Scriptures" videos. Someone did that once, and the spirit was non-existent in that lesson.
Thanks a bunch for the help and encouragement! I really really really really appreciate it!
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