This month Maddox has come to love him Mommy and Daddy a lot. He has gotten especially clingy and by the end of the day he follows me around everywhere I go, tugging on my legs. It honestly lights up my day that he loves me so much and wants me to hold him. He is actually pulling at his right ear in this picture. This has come to mean, "I am tired. I don't want to go to sleep, but I am tired." I usually win and he goes to sleep, although sometimes it takes awhile. Maddox is still not a very easy baby to get to sleep. Sometimes I will put him in his crib and he will play with his stuffed lion, chatter to himself and kick the wall for nearly an hour.
Also notice the blinds in the background. These are his new favorite toy. He likes to tug on them and throw them and pull on them. I had a theory that if I let him play with them then he would become less interested in them and eventually leave them alone. Not true. I underestimated the strength of Maddox's arm strength. A couple days ago he ripped one off. Wups!