Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Spider in my Bed

I have this fear of spiders, as many people do, but I am probably a little extreme. Every night before I go to bed I check under my blankets, sheets, and pillows and around the perimeter of the bed for spiders and other crawling things. You may call me paranoid, but I will say that at least THREE times in the past two years that we have lived in our Wymount apartment, I have found spiders in our bed. The first time it was under my husband's pillow. I don't remember what kind it was, but it was about medium size for spiders around Utah. I killed it. Then next time it was a medium spider crawling in my bed under the covers and I felt it on my leg. I killed that one too.

Then last night I freaked when I saw this in my bed last night:
This is the biggest spider I have ever seen in Utah! I posted two so you can see get a better view of the fangs. It was a Hobo Spider and it was huge! I have seen these spiders before. We actually found four of them in our house last fall but got the house sprayed and haven't seen any since then until now. I am guessing they come in through the window screens, but I can't see how they would fit cuz they are so BIG! Their bodies can get to bigger than half an inch long and their legs go on forever. Then there are the huge black fangs. Anyway, so now you know why it actually is possible for you to eat a couple spiders in your sleep each year. These are just the spiders I have found before getting into bed. I am now quite positive they much crawl around and night and end up in our bed during sleeping hours too. Gross!

P.S. Jeff killed it. FYI: Hobo spiders are poisonous and their bites look like Brown Recluse bites.


LeMira said...

Icky!! I still live in Utah, you know -- in a basement! This wasn't very comforting.