Recently Maddox has come alive. He constantly has to be entertained. I have no free time anymore unless he is sleeping, which he is doing less and less of these days. Whatever I am doing while he is awake, he has to be doing too. It is fun to spend so much time with him and see him learn and grow, but sometimes I just really need to sweep the kitchen BY MYSELF. With him helping, somehow the broom ends up sweeping the carpet in the living room and then I find broken straw pieces all over the carpet for the next day or two. As seen above, he loves computers and my brother. He helps me wake up Brian in the mornings.

And he loves to cook too. If I am ever in the kitchen, he is always at my feet hanging on me until I put him on the counter. Then he will just sit there and watch and try to help out by stirring or stabbing whatever I am doing...or eating it. Here he is eating grated cheese. And no, I never leave him there by himself, not even for a second. If I move to another part of the kitchen, he comes with me.

He also LOVES the bathroom, specifically the toilet and toilet paper. Gross!

He also loves to carry around pens, pencils, and anything that writes. Just the other day he finally learned these awesome toys have a purpose besides just looking so pretty!

The culprit escaping from the scene of the crime.

But regardless of the handful he is becoming, he is so so so fun! We love him so much. He is so happy and generally on very good behavior. Recently he has taken to hitting people shorter than him on the head. He thinks he is being affectionate. Also, if you are laying on the ground and he wants you to stand up, he will pull your hair. That means, "Get up and play with me!" Too bad the little girls I babysat the other day didn't know that. I felt so bad! He is learning, though, and really just the sweetest baby ever!
ahhh, we have so much to look forward to!
Hmmm... he causes lots of problems and makes messes around the house. Looks like he takes after his mom. :)
He is adorable!!! I love the last picture with him looking so cute with the pencil. He is getting so big. It also looks like he loves having your brother fun!
YES! WHat a stinker!! Oh but Such a cute stinker!!!!!
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