Monday, April 21, 2008

72 Hour Kits

Lately I have been having nightmares about atomic bombs going off and Jeff, Maddox, and I being stranded in the middle of nowhere and being among the only surviving people left in the world and because we didn't have our water storage and food storage and 72 hour kits, we were going to die. Mainly I paniced because of Maddox and my lack of planning to protect him. Sooo, I finally finished our 72 hours kits yesterday, ordered some food storage stuff, and am going to order a water barrel soon. It feels good. Hopefully the nightmares will stop now!


Kelly said...

I feel the same way! We have felt an urgency lately to get ours back together(we had 72 hours kits all ready before the kids came along) so we've been working on it a lot this past week. Its exciting and a really good feeling to have it prepared. Good job!

Claudia said...

Holy crap...I'm not the only one! I keep getting this feeling that I need to start on food storage, but it feels completely overwhelming 'cause I have no idea where to start. A 72-hour kit sounds like a good place. Thanks for writing about it so I can stop having nightmares too!