When we were out in Lexington looking for a place to stay, we drove everywhere for two days straight. We looked at tons of apartments and narrowed it down to a few the final day, but still none of them felt right. Then I had the brilliant idea of picking up a Renter's Guide, like our sister-in-law had suggested. We pulled over to the side of the road and I looked through everything while Jeff took a nap (he couldn't handle the stress). I circled a few and then we were off...they were all no-go's and we had one more left. We drove there, walked in, looked at each other and realized we both felt great about this place, so we signed right then and there! We signed for two years for a 2 bed/2 bath that was over 1,000 sq ft and the best price we had found with a dishwasher, patio, fireplace, and washer/dryer hookups. It is also right next to a park, has a pool, great workout facilities, and is less than 1/2 a mile away from Jeff's brother and his family's place. We felt like we had made a great deal...until we got home and I checked out the ratings on the place. Here are a few examples:
1.0 (rated out of 5.0)
I just moved from here on a 6 month lease. I noticed the other reviews on accident trying to track down one of the "so called" idiot management people. The other reviews hit directly on. Stay away from this place ...
While living at Shillito Park, we haven't had many complaints, until recently. My boyfriend has had the apartment for 4 years, and I was recently added to our lease. When I moved in (from out of state), above our mantle was a leak and they just painted over it instead of actually fixing it. They also played our video games...
I will just suffice to say that every single place we looked at (even the trashy smokey ones) were rated higher than this place...Needless to say, I am nervous! I will keep you updated and let you know how it goes!